Betting Loopholes Make Money

It?s practical and sensible, simple to learn, and will surely make you more money in the next 30 days than you?ve made in the past 365 days betting because it does not depend on luck but on a simple-proven formula that is guaranteed to make anyone, even you, reasonable money? For as long as possible. Calculate liability (with commission%) and place a LAY bet at odds 5.00 with £30.30 stake (liability is £121.20). If Bookmaker bet wins you will make £3.80 profit. If Betting Exchange bet wins you will make £3.79 profit. With this method, you can make a profit instantly, no strings attached.

Secrets, Confessions, and Life of a Professional Gambler

– Case Study from Team Diego


It’s a well known fact that 90-plus percent of soccer/football bettors will lose money in the long run. This is largely due to the “house advantage” in the odds set by bookmakers. So is it possible that there are actually gamblers in the world who consistently beat the bookies and make money from soccer betting?

Enter Team Diego. Over here we have built a proven soccer betting system — grounded in sound mathematical principles — that allows us to consistently enjoy 40-50% ROI.

Every member of our team has the potential to become a successful soccer bettor as long as they religiously follow the method laid out in this article. Depending on their risk appetite and starting bankroll, most of our guys bring in between $2,000 to $4,000 a month in net profits.

Today we have an exclusive interview with one member who is on the higher end of this range. Without further bullshit, let’s go straight to my Canadian friend, Thomas.

[Some remarks have been edited for brevity and clarity. Additional info is also added at appropriate junctures to provide better context.]


Diego: Hi Thomas, thanks for taking the time to do this interview. Let’s begin with a short introduction of yourself.

Thomas: Sure! I’m a crazy mix of soccer fanatic, math geek, and father-of-three. So before I found you and your blog in early 2017, I have actually been gambling on soccer (and other sports) for the past 10 years or so. I do track my bets in quite a methodical manner, so I was aware that as a recreational gambler I was making losses for the most part, occasionally breaking even if I’m lucky.

Diego: How much are you winning (net profits) per month now?

Thomas: Well, initially I started with a modest bankroll and was profiting less than 1 grand a month. True to your word, my ROI has always been in the 40-50% range when I track my winnings monthly. As my small bankroll steadily increased over the months, so did my stakes. I now average about $3,500 in profits a month, with some good (excellent?) months bringing me excess of $5,000.

Diego: Do you still need a day job?

Thomas: Hahaha. I actually still keep my day job! I enjoy what I do greatly (it actually has close connections/applications with mathematics) and see no reason to quit even as I continue to increase my betting profits. Moreover, since I’m following your daily picks, I don’t even spend that much time on my gambling “side income”.

But who knows, maybe one day I may move to a cheaper city to have a change of lifestyle. You know, slower pace of life…when the kids are grown up. Maybe by then I could dream of living off my soccer money! Not sure if the wife would agree though!

Diego: I’m actually pretty surprised that there are many guys in Canada who are into soccer betting. But I digress… Okay, what’s the best kept secret in the world of soccer betting that the bookies don’t want us to know?

Thomas: To beat the bookies at their own game, we need to know something that the average bettor does not. If everyone knows this secret then it’s not really a secret anymore, since the betting odds will shift accordingly to erode this advantage we currently enjoy (or exploit, lol).

The biggest secret is this — to quote from you since you’re the master — betting on draws is the only long-term sustainable way to profit consistently in soccer betting.

Diego: You’re 100% correct. There’s no need to over-complicate things if people just follow the betting system. Nobody likes betting on draws because it’s boring and stuff. But hey, we’re here to profit while the average bettor just wants to entertain himself while watching a game.

Thomas: Absolutely! The whole idea in betting (if you want to profit in the long run) is to find “value bets” like what you taught us. As you said, “if you follow the herd, you will join them in losing”. That’s very true. Since most people rack up net losses! To have an edge over the bookies, you need to find situations that have a higher chance of occurring than what the market odds indicate.

Diego: And of course those situations can be found in draw bets…

Thomas: Yup, very true. I can’t believe I took so many years to figure this out.

Diego: Most people bet aimlessly without a plan.

Thomas: Definitely. Since majority of bettors bet emotionally (rather than rationally), the betting markets have a bias against draws. That’s where the real money lies. In boring draws. Haha. But for us, we’re very happy to see 0-0 or 1-1 scorelines.

Diego: Can you give our readers a breakdown of an average month of betting – how do you make that $3,500?

Thomas: In simple terms, our strategy is a staking method (developed using mathematical calculations on bankroll management) designed to ensure profits in the long run. We do this by betting in a strategic manner such that our wins are always greater than our losses.

Adhering strictly to the guidelines you teach, I always start out with an initial stake of $40. By opening accounts with most of the major bookies, I can obtain the best odds for each game, which is usually above 3.00 since we’re betting on draws. This gives me $80+ profits for every draw we win.

By following your picks for the past year, I manage to get about 10 draws every week. So roughly 40 draws a month and $3,000++ in winnings. Actually close to $4,000 these days.

Diego: Did you always know you wanted to be a gambler? I wonder how that would go down with your high school teacher.

Thomas: Hahaha! I have a degree in math and work in a math-related field. I guess I have always been a statistics junkie – I mean I like analyzing data and shit like that. So going into soccer betting and joining Team Diego isn’t THAT surprising I guess. LOL.

Diego: And how old were you when you first started soccer betting?

Thomas: I first began placing bets in other sports when I was 24 or 25 years old. I only got into soccer (and soccer betting) much later on in my 30s. Hands down the easiest sport to win and beat the bookies!

I don’t bother with other sports nowadays – I may still throw in a little wager here and there for fun, but nothing serious. Unless I could develop a system to profit consistently with those sports like how you did with soccer.

I still like watching ice hockey, American football and the occasional basketball for relaxation.

Diego: What’s the one thing you hate most about the betting industry today?

Thomas: With the rise of online betting and its convenience, there are way too many scammers out there on the internet. These pathetic scammers operate from parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East, or wherever they are… and claim to have insider knowledge of so-called “fixed games”.

Betting Loopholes Make Money

I hate to admit I fell prey to a few of those scams in my early days. Not only did I lose money by paying for fake tips, I lost even more by betting big on those fake “fixed games”.

Diego: Well, you know better now.

Thomas: I’m not saying fixed matches don’t exist – they do. But the vast majority of these idiots touting “fixed games” are definitely fake. There ARE international syndicates doing real match-fixing (especially in Asia, as I’m sure you would know being from that region), but these guys are big whales. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions) to fix a single game, and they would place equally huge bets to make their risky endeavors pay off.

In short, the real match-fixers belong to professional syndicates. They aren’t your 18-year-old kid from West Africa who’s messaging you on Instagram to send him $200 for a “guaranteed” game. C’mon!

How To Make Money Fast Betting

Diego: To end this, what’s your advice to the people reading this and saying “Damn it, I’m in. I want to start my own Bookie Bashing Journey.”

Thomas: I’d dish out 3 key takeaways that I’ve gotten from my experience.

1) You gotta learn to deal with your emotions if you want to take betting seriously. Amateurs can’t handle their emotions. As a pro, you need to dissociate yourself from your feelings. If you go on a bad run, know it’s just temporary and don’t be too emotionally invested in your bets.

2) Be disciplined and stick to the plan and system EXACTLY as taught by Diego. Don’t be too smart for your own good and go around modifying the system. Manage your bankroll exactly like how Diego tells you to. His strategy is perfect and his results speak for themselves.

3) Exercise the cash out option that bookmakers offer. It’s there for you to make use of! Especially for high stakes games. Don’t be greedy. If the game is tied at 2-2 at the 85th min and you can cash out your winnings, then do so. Since we specialize in betting draws, a late goal from either side can ruin your bet. Avoid the perils of late goals!

Diego: Very cool. Thanks a lot for your time, Thomas.

Thomas: Pleasure is all mine.


Thomas is a tremendous example of a successful soccer bettor.

Once you’re in Team Diego – you’re in a super rare company of SOCCER BETTING WINNERS.

We are on a mission to transform the soccer betting industry and beat the bookies at their game.

Unlike other so-called betting “gurus” in the industry who hide behind a keyboard, stay anonymous, and never show their faces — I put out our record AND my face for all to see.

Guys from 6 continents (and over 40 countries) have tried the system. Our amazing results allow us to do nonsense like this. LOL.

Happy bookie-killing & I’ll see you in the Winner’s Circle.

Live Free Or Die,
J.K. Diego (JKDGO.COM)

Learn how we became the world's most profitable soccer betting team since 2016.
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Unless you’ve been living under a stone for the last couple of weeks you’ll have heard the story about the guy who has discovered a secret loophole in Betfair’s system that enables you to generate wealth at will. I’ve been bombarded with emails about this “completely new discovery”, so I’m sure you will have too.

I got my copy of this remarkable system the very first day it was released (along with about 1000 others so I understand) and my first impression of it was “surely, SURELY, no-one would have the cheek to release something so pitiful with such a fanfare of publicity”, but the betting system conveyor belt folks from Rochdale Rd, Manchester (I’m sure you know who they are) never seem to let quality control get in the way when there’s a buck to be made out of gullible punters.

The whole sales pitch for Betfair Loophole works along these lines….

What I am about to present to you is the massive loop-hole in Betfair that I have discovered and The System I have perfected to exploit it and generate staggering profits whether you’re a novice or a seasoned Betfair veteran.

…and an impressive sales pitch it is, but like so many of the products they release (on a near weekly basis) they quite obviously put more effort into their advertising spiel than they do with the systems themselves and this has got to be one of the worst examples of that I’ve seen yet.

Betting Loopholes Make Money

It’s basically a laying/trading type system and the only new thing about it is that unlike most systems this one concentrates on greyhound racing instead of the more popular sports like horse racing and soccer. That alone should be enough to make the alarm bells ring, because there’s barely enough liquidity on the greyhound markets to warrant betting on them at the best of times, nevermind when 1000 or more people are all trying to get on similar selections.

To give you an idea of what I’m talking about here, the time is currently 13.37, the first greyhound race today is the 13.44 at Sheffield – in 7 minutes time – and do you know how much money has been matched so far? £191! That’s £191 matched between two people (there’s always a backer and a layer on Betfair) so the actual sum bet on this race so far is a mere £95.50.

Fill your boots, eh? That’s 9 and a half pence for every punter!

To make matters worse, the very first screengrab you see on their website shows you a market on Betfair where the account holder is guaranteed a profit of £475 no matter what the result, but get this… it’s for a cricket match… so in no way at all does this relate to the system itself!

There are other things I don’t like about Betfair Loophole, but these are big enough reasons to ensure that this system won’t work, so rather than wasting my time and your’s, I’ll simply say that you should ignore anyone who tries to tell you that there’s a loophole on Betfair.

My advice = save your cash!

Betting Loopholes Make Money Surveys

Learn More About The Betfair Loophole…

How Much Money Can You Make From Betting

No Responses to “The Betfair Loophole”
  1. Good on you Paul for calling it what it is. Bought it on the release day, within a few minutes realised it was a big con as the examples did not match the main idea/sales pitch -the only loopholes are the holes in the system. Within a couple of days asked Clickbank for my money back for false advertising by the vendors. I got my money back. System in the trash where it belongs

  2. That you Clem? I wasn’t sure.

    It amazes me that someone would go to so much trouble to create a marketing pitch that was good enough to pull in $50,000 plus in the first couple of days and then blow the whole thing with screenshots that don’t relate to the system and a system that is, at best, crap. It’s like when you hear stories of master criminals who if they were to go straight would be geniuses

  3. Yes, this system is so bad that there is no word to describe how bad it is. If there were a Museum of Crappy Systems this would be in a room by itself with a security guard.

    His “super secret special millionaire’s loophole laying system” provides zero mathematical advantage so if you employ it you will have the overround to certainly grind your bank into the dirt. You have as much chance making money with this as picking random horses out of a hat.

    The trading advice to green up is so vague it’s almost like “If the price moves out, lock in a profit”. No advice as to what to look out for, what to do if the price moves against you, the best time to lock in a profit, etc. And on top of this you have the massive liquidity issues with the greyhounds.

    At least the “system of the week” boys have come clean about what they’re really about. Package any old info into an ebook (make sure half is taken up with how to back and lay on Betfair), include a few system rules, include some system variations, include a staking plan which is “increase stakes as your bank does” (as if it ever will) and you end up with a solid business plan without ever having to touch the thing you are supposedly a master trader at: the betting exchanges.

  4. Here, here!

    I’ve got to say that’s one of the best posts we’ve ever had on here LF. Nice work!

  5. I bought this too and it was a right bunch of junk. Avoid at all costs!

  6. Avoid this system, luckily the refund is straight forward, just contact clickbank!

  7. Guess what has landed in my email box over the past couple of weeks?

    Not one, but TWO brand new systems that are apparently used by professional punters to make 100, 200, 300 or even 500 pounds per day from the betting exchanges!

    Apparently 98% of the punters are long term losers and the writers of these systems have very generously decided to share their special knowledge with the general public!


    These clowns are the betting equivalent of the Nigerian scam emails. How they have avoided being driven out of their scam business by consumer affairs departments mystifies me.

  8. Yeah, I’ve seen them too LF. They had one of them out just days after the Loophole was released and the other just days after that. I wouldn’t bother buying anything they release now to be honest.

  9. Landed here with the Google search term “Betfair loophole” after seeing this system ranked on clickbank No.17

    I was in the process of evaluating this e-book when I read the above comments…
    Thank you for your valued critical opinions.

    I’m not in the habit of affiliating with rubbish such as this, and I have to say; you have all saved me a lot of time and effort from further investigation.

    I would never be affiliated with a program that did not live up to it’s promise and expectations.

    Thanks again everyone

  10. Hi Chris,

    Glad we could help you avoid that one. Unfortunately, there will be a whole lot more where that came from, but rest assured, we’ll do our best to guide you away from them.

  11. I’m ashamed to admit that I too was duped into buying this rubbish but fortunately I got my money back.

    Today, out of the blue, I’ve been charged a further two amounts of $50 each. I think it’s some kind of subscription service that I didn’t even sign up for. I’ve requested refunds for these amounts too from Clickbank.

    How do these people continue to get away with this?

  12. @ Stewboss – their marketing spiel was quite convincing for this one and you weren’t alone in buying it

    You should ask CB what those charges are for, because it doesn’t appear to be a recurring subscription for Loophole. CB normally make that clear on the order form (the order form on their site) and I can’t see it for this product.

  13. @ Paul

    Immediately after I bought BFL, another page appeared offering me a tipster service to go with it.

    I declined but still got these charges (3 weeks later). Did anyone else see this page?

    The address Clickbank quoted for reply is :-



  14. Thanks for the feedback guys… almost fell for this one.

    I’m just sad for the people who actually bought it and still think it works… talk about gullibility.

    if it looks like a horse and smells like a horse it might be a pony that farted so its always good to check the teeth first.

  15. Hi paul,

    Another great review, this website is awesome, im really enjoying it, and look forward to viewing it everyday, thank you, will save me a lot of money on buying useless hyped up systems like the betfair loophole which i nearly purchased until i read Paul’s review, cheers, will look into betting school, looks like another honest site and a great deal.

  16. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but WHY are there posts like this “Bought it on the release day, within a few minutes realised it was a big con” going on?

    You’re on a systems review site. WAIT until they review it if you aren’t sure and for God’s sake – STOP BUYING SYSTEMS! Some people are just addicted to it, as if owning 100 systems is going to make your more profit than owning 10. I used to sell a system (which I discontinued after a bad string of results – and gave refunds) and have launched a ratings service to replace it.

    I’m getting emails from customers who signed up to my old system, who are asking EXACTLY the same questions. “How much betting bank do I need?” “How much will I make?” “Can I put bets on before work or what?” – I reply to each one individually and try to gauge whether or not they suit my service. You look at their eBay feedback and find that they’ve bought thirty systems on there since they bought mine last year – almost one a week! What is WRONG with these people?

    The fact is that in most areas of life, money talks and bullshit walks. When it comes to racing systems, people’s ridiculous levels of greed means that the bullshit makes the money every time – and sticks around to make more later. Chances are, if they have a site that looks like one of those “sales pitch” sites…then they’re probably taking you for a ride. Anything for sale via ClickBank is instantly dubious. If the seller was making money, they’d be able to afford to hire a webmaster to write an e-commerce solution that DOESN’T cost them a percentage of every sale…

  17. 5minutes ago I almost paid $147 for betfair loophole. Incredibly clickbank declined my payment. Then I came here to this site just to see if others had brought this system and comments. What can I say…..Thank God for you blokes!! Thanks again!! Hayden

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