How Many Times Did El Chapo Escape Prison

  1. .drug trafficking charges, the Justice Department said, spelling out in detail how she helped plot her husband’s daring escape from a Mexico prison.
  2. The latest details of 'El Chapo's' escape, including the discovery of a motorcycle in the tunnel he used to escape.
  1. How Did El Chapo Escape Prison So Many Times
  2. How Many Times Did El Chapo Escape Prison Season
  3. How Many Times Did El Chapo Escape Prison Facility
13 Jul, 2015 17:04

The wife of El Chapo, Mexico's most notorious cartel leader, was arrested Monday on drug trafficking charges.Emma Coronel Aispuro, a dual U.S.-Mexico citizen, was arrested at Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia and charged with conspiring to illegally import and distribute heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines in the U.S.She had been under investigation by U.S. Mexican drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman has been recaptured and sent back to the maximum-security prison he escaped from six months ago. Duncan Levin, a former federal prosecutor, described the convicted drug kingpin's likely next stop as a secure housing unit for “the most dangerous and notorious criminals in the world.”.

Mexican law enforcers look into the entrance of a tunnel used by drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman to escape from prison. (Reuters / PGR - Attorney General's Office / Handout via Reuters) © Reuters
A manhunt is ongoing for one of world’s most powerful drug lords, who escaped a top security prison through a 1.5-km tunnel in dramatic style. Freshly-released video and images offer a glimpse into how this brazen jailbreak was executed.

The guards of the notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquin `El Chapo' Guzman realized something was wrong when their VIP inmate tarried in the shower area of his cell on Saturday night.

How Did El Chapo Escape Prison So Many Times

How Many Times Did El Chapo Escape Prison

The empty cell they eventually examined had a hole in the floor. A ladder led down to an underground tunnel, 10 meters deep and 1.5 kilometers long, which ended in a half-constructed empty house in the fields.

A Ruptly video, released on Monday, shows a dozen perplexed law enforcers staring down at the rectangular hole in the floor of that remote house.

The ramshackle building at the end of the tunnel has windows covered by blankets and looks more like a barn than a house.

Inside, a rudimentary kitchen, a bed and several pairs of sneakers offer little clue as to the current whereabouts of El Chapo.

The getaway tunnel was equipped with ventilation, oxygen tanks and stairs. It also had a motorbike on rails, which was used to remove soil. The intrepid diggers may have used the house in the fields as a temporary residence while they carried out their activities.

#ElChapo's escape tunnel had ventilation, lights, high ceilings. #ElChapo's tunnel >> my first apartment

— Ali B. (@Ali_B_313) July 13, 2015

A full-scale manhunt is underway and officials at the penitentiary are being interrogated over the escape, National Security Commissioner Monte Alejandro Rubido said at a press conference on Sunday.

This is not the drug lord’s first ‘top security prison’ escape. Guzman, who is wanted by the governments of Mexico, the United States and by INTERPOL, also escaped from a federal maximum-security prison in 2001. At that time, he simply bribed his guards.

'If he's not captured in the next 48 hours, he will have completely regained control of the Sinaloa cartel,' Mike Vigil, a retired US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) international operations chief, told AFP.

'If he is able to make his way to Sinaloa, his native state, and gets into that mountainous range, it's going to be very difficult to capture him because he enjoys the protection of local villagers.'


While President Enrique Pena Nieto described the escape as 'an affront to the state,' the online community has been amused, playing around with the idea of the escape being carried out in the style of the iconic Shawshank Redemption movie.

The Shawshank Redemption II Starring

How many times did el chapo escape prison facility

— Alex.Ron. (@AleksToro) July 13, 2015

'@el_julao: El Chapo haciendo un Shawshank Redemption.'

— Tiglat (@tiglat76) July 12, 2015

El Chapo (translated from Mexican as The Shorty) was imprisoned in February 2014, which means it took less than 17 months for the tunnel to be built. He is known as one of the world’s most powerful organized crime bosses and until his arrest, the US Department of the Treasury considered him the 'most powerful drug trafficker in the world.'

The Sinaloa Cartel has reportedly smuggled billions of dollars’ worth of cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine into the United States, and fought brutal wars with other Mexican gangs over turf and drug trafficking routes.

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ЖивотныеЗакон и правоЗнаменитостиИгрыИскусство
КомедииКрасота, модаКулинария, рецептыЛюдиМото
МузыкаМультфильмыНаука, технологииНовостиОбразование
СпортСтиль жизниТВ передачиТанцыТехнологии
Originally published on 09 May, 2016
The world’s most notorious drug lord has been transferred to another prison as he fights extradition to the United States.Mexican authorities moved Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to a maximum security prison in Ciudad Juarez near the Texas border on the weekend, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Guzman, head of the Sinaloa cartel, has twice escaped from prison. He has been held at the maximum security Altiplano prison near Mexico City since he was recaptured in January after seven months on the run, the Los Angeles Times reported. Mexican authorities have implemented tough security measures to try to prevent Guzman from escaping a third time.
Surveillance cameras film El Chapo 24 hours a day, and motion sensors capture his every move, according to a CNN report in January, citing Mexican newspaper El Universal.
Cell floors have been reinforced with three-quarter inch steel rods and a 16-inch layer of concrete, according to CNN and CBS News.Guards record Guzman with helmet-mounted cameras, and dogs have been trained to detect his scent, CNN reported. El Chapo is made to move cells regularly, and lawyers for the drug lord complain he is being deprived of sleep, CNN reported.
Security analysts said it was possible authorities moved Guzman to make upgrades to the Altiplano prison, according to the Los Angeles Times. They also said it was possible that officials feared El Chapo was planning another escape.
A lawyer for Guzman said he did not know why his client had been moved to Ciudad Juarez, but he would continue to fight attempts by the U.S. to extradite him, CBS News reported.
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How Many Times Did El Chapo Escape Prison Season


How Many Times Did El Chapo Escape Prison Facility

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