What Are The Different Fighting Styles

Fencing is a challenging sport that requires skill and quick reaction. Learn about the sport of fencing and the three different fighting styles, en garde! This isn’t a game yeahWhen mothers are cryingWatching their children die in vainI’m praying for peace nowI saw all the conflictSomehow there’s got to be a changeNo one wins when people dieDoesn’t.

Hip Hop Styles

Hip hop dance is a dynamic genre that encompasses athleticism, flexibility, agility, creativity and soul. This type of dance originated back in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s, and has evolved tremendously since then. The Old school of this type of dance started off mainly as breakdancing, which in and of itself is a truly dynamic and remarkable style of hip hop!

Popping and locking are a couple of the original moves that dancers incorporated into their dance routines back in the early days of this dance history. By the late 1980′s the styles really began to take on new forms, and innovative dance moves were rapidly being developed.

Although breaking is still largely a part of the dance, more upright moves have become very popular as opposed to sticking mainly to moves performed on the floor. By the 90′s and into the 2000′s, this type of dance became very aggressive and intricate. The popularity of this dance grew from the streets of New York and L.A., and has spread all throughout the globe!


Although there are many different styles of hip hop dance, some of the main ones include: •Breakdancing •Popping •Locking •OldSchool •NuSchool •House •Krumping

The Newer Style of Lyrical Hip Hop

One of the newer styles that has emerged onto the dance scene is lyrical dance. This particular type is a very interpretive and fluid version of the conventional one that has been on the scene since the 1970′s. In essence, the dancers are telling a story through their dance routine, and thus must include some sort of acting abilities into the dance routine.

Although traditional dance styles and moves – like popping and locking – are still part of this newer dance style, the moves are much less rigid, and are more fluid in their execution. Whereas traditional moves dance to the beat of the music, lyrical moves dance along to the words of the song.

For some video samples of these popular dance moves, visit FitForaFeast.com for a vast library of online hip hop dance videos and lessons to help you get acquainted with this popular genre of dance, and learn how to dance from home!

To learn the best hip hop dance moves, you need to start with some lessons on the basics. If you want to take online hip hop lessons, the best, most flexible course is available at www.hiphopcrusher.com. You can learn this type of dance from 10 professional teachers/entertainers and work your way through 5 levels of moves and combos, as well as bonus levels on popping, locking and breaking. Put your new skills together in the final 20 minute master class! Learn at your own pace with these online lessons and dance with confidence!

What are Coaching Styles?

  • May 8th, 2015
  • Camilla Chapman

The term coaching styles refers to the overall direction of each session - determine which coaching style on what you and your players want to achieve and how they wish to get there. It's key to understand the different type of coaching styles that we have below, so you can use different styles to what is best for you when coaching!

What are Coaching Styles?

Coaching styles can vary. Coaches may have a preferred style of coaching, which is normally based on your personality, but you need to be adaptable and to be able to use different styles according to the situation and the needs of the performers.

Three main styles have been identified:

  • Autocratic' - 'Bossy' - 'Authoritarian'
  • 'Democratic' - 'Guider' - 'Personable'
  • 'Laissez-Faire' - 'Minder' - 'Casual'

What Are The Different Lightsaber Fighting Styles

'Autocratic' - this is where the coach makes all the decisions and the performers merely do what they are told. This coach will be a strong disciplinarian and likes to be in control. Implicit in this style is that the coach has all the information and the knowledge.

'Democratic' - this involves shared decision- making. This coach will guide performers towards selecting and achieving their goals. Implicit in this style is that the coach provides leadership in the form of positive guidance.

'Laissez-Faire' - this is where very the coach makes few decisions. There are little organised attempts to influence or teach. Implicit in this style is that the players take ownership and make the decisions.

All three styles have advantages and disadvantages. Coaches should be able to change styles and know they are doing so for a particular reason. For example - when there is a safety issue, the style must be 'autocratic', there is no time for negotiation!

When introducing a set play, such as a penalty corner, try the 'democratic' style, allowing the players considerable input and ideas, rather than dictating which routines to follow.

With a set unit of play, use the 'laissez-faire' style, allowing players to work out a pattern and to try this without interference or judgement by the coach.

Many coaches use an 'autocratic style' for all of the session, telling the players what to do. This is because they like to have control. Coaches need to delegate some of the 'control', empowering players to think, to input ideas and to make decisions.

What Are The Different Lightsaber Fighting Styles

It is also important for coaches to use different styles because players respond in different ways. Some players are motivated by one approach more than another. It is important to try to work with players and to keep their enthusiasm and motivation. There is a greater chance of this happening if the coach is flexible in their approach and can change styles within a session, appropriate to the situation and the needs of the players.

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