Whats The Over Under

The less-than sign is a mathematical symbol that denotes an inequality between two values. The widely adopted form of two equal-length strokes connecting in an acute angle at the left.

  • An over-under or over/under bet is a wager in which a sportsbook will predict a number for a statistic in a given game, and bettors wager that the actual number in the game will be either higher or lower than that number. For example, in Super Bowl XXXIX, most Las Vegas casinos set the over-under for the score of the game at 46.0.
  • Over/under bets. Even though Totals and Over/Under may be used interchangeably for scoring, there’s another way to make Over/Under bets. An Over/Under bet can also be a proposition bet where there’s a wager made on a specific occurrence. A boxing match is a good example since scoring isn’t quite the same as the major sports.
'Man, you're still not over your ex?'
'Yea so'
'Well you need to get over and under.'
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a spanish word meaning the flipflop
used by latin moms to beat their child's ass
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A crude sexually pleasuring move that you can get cheap where the said prostitute doesn't actually have to touch your genatalia
I got the best over and under in Melbourne and i didn't get a disease.
I just closed my eyes and she gave me the best under and over ever.
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This is a technique in self defense where when a girl try’s to kiss you after the first date one body slams the offender and jumps over the person flipping them off in the process
Doctor: how’d this happen
Girl: my date body slammed me and flipped me off
Doctor: ahhhh the old Over and Under technique
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Mar 9 trending

What's The Over Under For Super Bowl

Whats The Over Under

What's The Over Under

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