Trump Impeachment Betting

As former President Donald Trump faced impeachment twice (Dec. 2021), many online sportsbooks like what they see with this new trend, especially from a betting perspective. That's why many of the top books – having moved on from Trump impeachment odds – are now embracing Joe Biden impeachment odds. : The impeachment trial of Donald Trump will continue, as after four hours of presentations from both the House managers and President Trump’s legal team, the Senate voted 56-44 that the trial is Constitutional and can go forward. However the chances of conviction in the Senate remain quite small according to bettors. You can buy a contract. Just last week, the odds heavily favored President Donald Trump avoiding impeachment at -500 odds. Simply speaking, there was an 83.33% chance that Trump would not be impeached. There has been a complete 180 since then. Based on the political betting odds released by Bovada today, Trump now has -150 odds of being impeached during.


Bookies Odds On Trump Impeachment


Will Trump Resign?

Trump Impeachment Betting

This is an important distinction. It remains very hard to see 23 Republican Senators convicting their president. Trump’s base remains loyal. However, a few more weeks of this terrible news cycle, which would be elevated in the case of a Senate trial, and vulnerable incumbents may start to panic. Most notably Senate leader Mitch McConnell is facing a serious challenge in Kentucky.


Pressure could, theoretically at least, be brought to bear. The case of the last president to leave office early – Richard Nixon – is pertinent. ‘Tricky Dicky’ never faced the Senate trial – he resigned, handing power to his Vice President Gerald Ford, and duly received a pardon.

Trump Impeachment Betting Odds 2019

Whether he listens or not, Trump must be receiving similar legal advice. As Robert Mueller made clear, he is not immune from prosecution after leaving office. Asides from the particular allegations that led to impeachment, dozens of criminal and congressional investigations are ongoing, for which Trump could yet be liable. The implications of the Russia investigation have not fully played out yet – Roger Stone’s trial in November will likely release information from redacted sections of the Mueller Report.

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